How to Avoid Funeral Scams

The number of persons who enjoytaking advantage of people’s vulnerability, ignorance, and unsafe information,keeps increasing and unfortunately, this also occurs in the Funeral industry.The fact remains that most people who see themselves making plans for a funeralceremony are never prepared for such an event, which makes them easily deceivedand scammed, and this becomes an added pain to what they’re already feeling.
Because burial ceremonies involve alot of finances, you must take certain precautions while planning or seekingassistance from someone experienced or any funeral-planning organization.
Nonetheless, below are some provenways to identify and avoid funeral scams when planning a memorial.
1. Purchasing Most Expensive Product and Services
Never ever allow any funeraldirector or an individual to make you feel guilty about your choice of notgoing for the most expensive product or services for a burial ceremony. In someinstances, most of these scammers would try to persuade you into doing morethan you can afford, and in the long run, if you have given in to theirsuggestion, they take that as an advantage to introduce more funeral productsand services to you, with the main purpose of extortion. Do not be pressured topay more than you can afford.
2. Request for a Funeral Home Price List
One of the things to look forward towhen going to get a casket for the deceased is to request for their price list,and if by any chance the prices are too high, be aware of the fact that you areat liberty to check elsewhere for prices you can afford.
3. GetA Written Statement and Payment Receipt
Before you make any payment of anycourse has regards funeral, make sure you get a written statement, clearlystating that your client is providing you a service or offering a product, andafter the whole negotiation and payment process, request for a receipt thatclearly indicates your payment and contract because that’s a proof and evidenceof your transaction
4. Insurance Scam
Inmost cases, when questions like doyou have insurance are asked by a funeral director doesn’t necessarily meanthat they are trying to scam you; it might just be they’re trying to genuinelyhelp by making plans around your insurance finances. However, when you begin tosense that at any point, they’re trying to make you spend every penny you haveinsured, then at this point, you might want to reconsider your decisions and gofor other cost-effective funeral budgets.