Terms & Conditions

Last updated: February 2nd, 2022
Interpretation and Definitions
The words of which the initial letter is capitalized havemeanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitionsshall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or inplural.
For the purposes of this Disclaimer:
· Company(referred to as either "the Company", "We", "Us"or "Our" in this Disclaimer) refers to Forevory LLC, 15 Lord ave,Lawrence, NY, 11559.
· Servicerefers to the Website or the Application or both.
· Youmeans the individual accessing the Service, or the company, or other legalentity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, asapplicable.
· Websiterefers to Forevory, accessible from http://www.forevory.com
· Applicationmeans the software program provided by the Company downloaded by You on anyelectronic device named Forevory.
The information contained on the Service is for generalinformation purposes only.
The Company assumes no responsibility for errors oromissions in the contents of the Service.
In no event shall the Company be liable for any special,direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages or any damageswhatsoever, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tort, arisingout of or in connection with the use of the Service or the contents of theService. The Company reserves the right to make additions, deletions, ormodifications to the contents on the Service at any time without prior notice.
The Company does not warrant that the Service is free ofviruses or other harmful components.
External Links Disclaimer
The Service may contain links to external websites that arenot provided or maintained by or in any way affiliated with the Company.
Please note that the Company does not guarantee theaccuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any information on theseexternal websites.
Advertising Disclaimer
Third party advertisements and links to third party websitesmay also appear while using the Service. The Company does not make anyrepresentation as to the accuracy or suitability of any of the informationcontained in those advertisements or websites and does not accept any responsibilityor liability for the conduct or content of those advertisements and websitesand the offerings made by the third-parties.
Third party advertisements and links to other websites wheregoods or services are advertised are not endorsements or recommendations by theCompany of the third party sites, goods or services. The Company takes noresponsibility for the content of the ads, promises made, or thequality/reliability of the products or services offered in all advertisements.
Errors and Omissions Disclaimer
The information given by the Service is for general guidanceon matters of interest only. Even if the Company takes every precaution toinsure that the content of the Service is both current and accurate, errors canoccur. Plus, given the changing nature of laws, rules and regulations, theremay be delays, omissions or inaccuracies in the information contained on theService.
The Company is not responsible for any errors or omissions,or for the results obtained from the use of this information.
Fair Use Disclaimer
The Company may use copyrighted material which has notalways been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. The Company ismaking such material available for criticism, comment, news reporting,teaching, scholarship, or research.
The Company believes this constitutes a "fair use"of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the UnitedStates Copyright law.
If You wish to use copyrighted material from the Service foryour own purposes that go beyond fair use, You must obtain permission from thecopyright owner.
Views Expressed Disclaimer
The Service may contain views and opinions which are thoseof the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or positionof any other author, agency, organization, employer or company, including theCompany.
Comments published by users are their sole responsibilityand the users will take full responsibility, liability and blame for any libelor litigation that results from something written in or as a direct result ofsomething written in a comment. The Company is not liable for any commentpublished by users and reserve the right to delete any comment for any reasonwhatsoever.
No Responsibility Disclaimer
The information on the Service is provided with theunderstanding that the Company is not herein engaged in rendering legal,accounting, tax, or other professional advice and services. As such, it shouldnot be used as a substitute for consultation with professional accounting, tax,legal or other competent advisers.
In no event shall the Company or its suppliers be liable forany special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever arisingout of or in connection with your access or use or inability to access or usethe Service.
"Use at Your Own Risk" Disclaimer
All information in the Service is provided "asis", with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of theresults obtained from the use of this information, and without warranty of anykind, express or implied, including, but not limited to warranties ofperformance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
The Company will not be liable to You or anyone else for anydecision made or action taken in reliance on the information given by theService or for any consequential, special or similar damages, even if advisedof the possibility of such damages.
Forevory Sticker Disclaimer
The company is responsible for ordering and providing youwith one free QR code weatherproof sticker that is to last a minimum of 15Months after the end of the customers free trial period. If you purchased a“One-Time purchase plan”, the Company will process the order immediately afteryour credit card is charged. You can order a new sticker on our website at costplus shipping and handling.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Disclaimer, You cancontact Us:
· By email: info@forevory.com