Pros and Cons of DNA Analysis
It is very important to understand that DNA test is widely useful for different things; for instance, people useDNA to map out family trees, for criminal evidence, to gain more knowledge regarding health and paternity cases, and it can also be used as a gift to someone. Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA as generally known, serves many purposes, and in most, improves the quality of one’s life.
ThePros of DNA Testing
There are lots of benefits of a DNA test, as it has been proven as a potent test that has saved and improved people’s lives over time.
1. Genealogy and Family History
DNA testing reveals more about an individual’s identity, provides medically proven information about the past ancestors, and uncovers the genetic trait passed on from one generation to the other generations.
2. Family Planning
ADNA test helps families, particularly parents, have more insight into the chances of having children, and it also indicates the genetic risk in conceiving a certain number of children. Basically, having a DNA test encourages proper and healthy family planning.
3. ItSolves Criminal and Identity Issues
Ata crime scene, DNA samples are oneway of gathering evidence regarding any issue. DNA fingerprints help identifyeach person at a crime scene, and medically, one can never ever share the sameDNA with another person.
4. Early Treatments
DNA has been confirmed as one of themeans of revealing, saving, correcting, improving any form of a geneticdisorder in a person’s body system. However, if a person has some healthchallenges, a DNA test can reveal and help such a person get the medicaltreatment and care needed.
TheCons of DNA Testing
Justas DNA testing has a positiveeffect, it also has its disadvantages.
1. Violation Of One’s Privacy
DNA collected from a crime scene isa way of identifying everyone present at a crime scene, even the innocent ones.However, a person’s sensitive medical disorder might be revealed to theauthorities, which might not be information a person is comfortable sharingwith the world.
2. Negative Results
It might be so challenging for anindividual from a DNA test to find out a genetic disorder. Everyone isdifferent, and for some people getting to confirm they are not healthy as towhat they have been expecting might be emotionally torturing and hard to accept.
3. Family issue
The DNA test result has, in someinstances, ruined some families; in cases where a DNA test happens to be whatis not expected, this becomes an unpleasant situation to handle.
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