What is Genetic Genealogy
Many people are interested to knowmore about their biological family histories, who their ancestors are, wherethey originated from and what genetic trait is common among the families.Still, unfortunately, most people don’t have access to detailed information orrecorded history about their ancestors. However, Genetic genealogy hasbeen proven to provide a lasting solution in the test of time for peopleinterested and curious about their family histories.
Genetic Genealogy combinesGenealogical DNA deoxyribonucleic acid and traditional genealogy methods todiscover intricate genetic codes inside every cell in the body and containsinformation on how people are related. Medically, genetic genealogy has beenvery useful for explaining why different species of organisms function and haveshaped the evolution of time.
HowDoes Genetic Genealogy Works?
Research has it that human beingsare made up of trillions of cells, which mainly contain an indication of yourDNA, a molecule that consists of genetic code sand a combination of DNA fromone’s biological parents.
Genetic genealogy uses autosomalDNA, single nucleotide polymorphism to confirm how two individuals are possiblyrelated or if they share a pre-existing genetic database. Such confirmation issignificantly helpful in genealogical research to uncover who and where yourancestors originated from.
Genetic ancestry testing confirmssimilar haplotypes from haplo groups which actually are alleles that you haveinherited because of your birth to either one of your parents with theconfirmation of specific variants in the DNA; this establishes who you arerelated to.
Thanks to the recognition andessence, many companies and online genealogy resources provide DNA testing usedfor ancestry research. This service offers microarray-based autosomal DNAtesting, which examines .02 percentage of all the genetic markers that have thechance of being tested to provide a wide range of leads that concludes one’sfamily relations.
Genetic genealogy has been proven tobe traditionally helpful. These techniques, in most cases, have been used todiscover one’s identity, relatives, family history, identify victim remains,and build a family tree through genealogy research. This is possible becausegenetic genealogy uses the same data generated for snapshot Kinship from asingle DNA sample for numerous analyses.